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My ABSD website - API description
Foxtrotcharlie - A journey to ADS-B tracking with Raspberry Pi


All the information provided by these API are provided as is and for information only. They are coming from different sources and may contain mistakes or be out of date. Please use with caution and at your own risk.

Search aircraft by Mode S code or tail number

You can access my database of aircraft through the following API:
where XXXXXX is the ModeS code of the aircraft, on 6 digits in hexadecimal.
where XXXXXX is the tail number (or registration) of the aircraft (in some countries, tail numbers have a - like in China B-8638, it should be put here).
The output is in json format (RFC4627).
Working samples of the API:

Returned data:

          "ModeS":            "78102f",
          "ModeSCountry":     "China",
          "Registration":     "B-8638",
          "ICAOTypeCode":     "A321",
          "Type":             "Airbus A321-211",
          "SerialNo":         "---",
          "RegisteredOwners": "China Southern Airlines",
          "OperatorFlagCode": "CSN",
          "FirstSeen":        "2017-03-25 23:58:09",
          "LastSeen":         "2019-09-06 07:25:41"

Designator Description Format
ModeSModeS code in HEX format of the Aircraft6 characters
ModeSCountryCountry of registration of the Aircraftstring
RegistrationTail Number of the Aircraftstring
ICAOTypeCodeICAO Type Code of the Typestring
TypeType of Aircraftstring
SerialNoSerial Number of the Aircraftstring
RegisteredOwnersRegistered Owners of the Aircraftstring
OperatorFlagCodeCode of the Airline if anystring
FirstSeenTime stamp when my trackers first detected the AircraftTimestamp
LastSeenTime stamp when my trackers last detected the AircraftTimestamp

Search airports by ICAO code

You can also access my database of airports through the following API:
where XXXX is the ICAO code of the airport on 4 characters.
The output is in json format (RFC4627).
Working samples of the API:

Returned data:

          "ICAO":       "VHHH",
          "IATA":       "HKG",
          "Name":       "Hong Kong International Airport",
          "Location":   "Hong Kong",
          "Region":     "Hong Kong",
          "Latitude":   22.3089,
          "Longitude":  113.915

Designator Description Format
ICAOICAO code of the Airport4 characters
IATAIATA code of the Airport3 characters
NameName of the Airportstring
LocationLocation of the Airport in clearstring
RegionRegion or Country of the Airportstring
LatitudeLatitude of the Airportfloat
LongitudeLongitude of the Airportfloat

Search routes by Flight Number (ICAO format)

You can also access my database of routes through the following API:
where XXXXXX is the flight number in ICAO format.
The output is in json format (RFC4627).
Working samples of the API:

Returned data:

          "FNB":            "AFR188",
          "Airline":        "AFR",
          "FlightNumber":   "188",
          "Origin":         "LFPG",
          "Destination":    "VHHH",
          "Via":            ""

Designator Description Format
FNBFlight number in ICAO formatstring
AirlineICAO code of the airline4 characters
FlightNumberFlight numberstring
OriginOrigin airport (ICAO format)string
DestinationDestination airport (ICAO format)string
ViaVia airport - if any (ICAO format)string

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